Indigenous Participation


The Aboriginal Participation in Construction Policy (APCP) supports the ICS Group’s strategy. It seeks to increase the number of Aboriginal people employed, and the number of Aboriginal-owned businesses to be engaged under the ICS Group’s plan for Aboriginal affairs.

The APCP policy recognises that contractors within the Energy industries have a key role to play in broadening opportunities for Aboriginal people and that they can use their relationships with business to deliver positive social outcomes to local communities.

The objective of the APCP is to create opportunities for Aboriginal-owned businesses and encourage Aboriginal employment and training through the supply chain contracts.

How ICS Group aims to achieve this

  • Aboriginal employees (including apprentices, trainees and office support roles) by suppliers and subcontractors engaged on projects
  • Aboriginal employees supporting Aboriginal participation requirements for the project (reasonable percentage of salary correlating to time allocated to individual projects)
  • Labour hire
  • Expenses for training of Aboriginal employees engaged in the planning, design and delivery of the project
  • Expenses paid for by the supplier for the development and delivery of Aboriginal education programs and courses to its employees.
  • Eligible training and educating activities are to be pre-approved by the contracting agency and provided by registered training organisations or local TAFE.
  • Construction/Commissioning-related support activities, such as technical, commercial, Quality, HSE. Commercial and professional services may be included where it is considered appropriate to achieve the policy objectives.
  • Under the APCP policy, we target a minimum of 1.5% of project spend must be dedicated to Aboriginal participation. This includes Aboriginal employment, engagement of Aboriginal-owned businesses, education and training, and engagement or consultation with Aboriginal organisations or businesses.


ICS Group values the contribution that the business and contracting community is making towards increasing Aboriginal participation in the economy. ICS Group is committed to working with suppliers to create opportunities for Aboriginal-owned businesses and to support employment and training of Aboriginal people.

Suppliers to ICS Group construction projects are required to comply with the requirements in this policy and additional requirements set by ICS Group in support of the policy objective.

ICS Group seeks and encourages the support of Aboriginal participation requirements by supporting identification and engagement of Aboriginal employees or Aboriginal-owned businesses within the communities, states and regions where we operate.